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The Elite German Series:
Deutsch is Fun! & Deutsch 101


Ready to learn to sprechen Deutsch

You’ve come to the right place, where not only can you enjoy the convenience of virtual, online learning, but you also have a German’speaking experienced teacher and guide to help you all along the way.

We all know that some of the main pitfalls of online learning include self motivation and comprehension, so we’re taking both of those and tossing them out the window. With Elite classes, you’ll have a dedicated teacher, a regular schedule and certification appropriate for your transcripts when you’ve completed the final course evaluation.


Check Out Our German Classes


Deutsch Macht Spaß! (German is Fun!)


Guten Tag! Learning a new language is kind of like knowing a secret code. Of course, it helps when you already know some of that code. Think you don’t know any German?  I can guarantee that you already know at least half a dozen words, and by the end of our first class, you’ll know even more!

We’ll learn not only fundamental concepts such as colors, numbers, and introductions, but also how to ask questions, talk about the weather and our families, what you do (and don’t!) like about food and clothing, how to tell time, and asking for directions. 

Aimed at students from upper elementary age and up (adults are also welcome!) who want a fun introduction to the German language and culture, this class meets twice a week for 24 classes from September 20 through December 13 (we take Thanksgiving Day off). Additionally, each student will have an hour long one-on-one session with the instructor during the final week to review and assess their progress. Students will receive a certificate of completion after completing all classes and the final assessment.

Classes will include practice in listening and speaking, as well as reading and writing. Much of our learning is done through fun games and personal practice. Light homework will be assigned to reinforce concepts.

Deutsch 101
(High School Level)


Deutsch 101 is structured for students who want a more traditional high school level approach. These classes meet three times a week, with 24 classes from September 21 through December 14 (we take the day after Thanksgiving Day off). Additionally, each student will have an hour long one-on-one session with the instructor during the final week to review and assess their progress. Students will receive a certificate of completion, after completing all classes and the final assessment, appropriate for inclusion in a transcript.

This class has a more rigorous focus on grammar and vocabulary. We work through an online textbook. 

Skills will include

  • verbs (past, present, and future)
  • pronouns
  • prepositions
  • adjectives
  • questions 
  • commands
  • understanding how case works. 

Frequent homework and quizzes are employed to reinforce learning. Since this class is geared toward transcript inclusion, grades will be assigned. Students and parents will be able to see their grades at any point. Quizlet flashcards are included.

Of course we will also discuss German culture, including food, music, sports, hobbies, sightseeing, and more!

Students will have ample time to practice listening via videos of various speakers, as well as having the opportunity to practice speaking within groups during and in between classes.

FAQs for German Classes

What if I or my student misses a class?

If you (as a student) or your student misses a class, the missed assignments will be emailed, along with a recording of the class. If desired, a private tutoring session can be scheduled for an additional cost. 

What are the payment options?

After you complete enrollment, you will get an invoice which you can pay with a credit or debit card. You can pay all at once, or in two equal payments. Paying all at once saves you 20%.

How are grades determined?

Grades are determined by class participation, and scores on homework and other assessments.

How are classes delivered?

Classes are delivered via Zoom. A link will be sent before each class.

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